Cookies Policy

A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your computer or mobile device when you visit the site. This small text file may enable a site to, for example, remember your actions and preferences so that, for example, you don’t have to re-enter your login or settings information each time you visit a new page on the site. This policy is part of Fans4Creators Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

Cookies on Fans4Creators Websites

To summarise: Fans4Creators uses cookies and other tracking technologies to provide our service. Cookies are not strictly necessary for the website to work but they provide you with a better browsing experience. If you choose to delete or block these cookies, some features of this site may not work as intended.
To summarise: Fans4Creators uses cookies and similar technologies to provide our products and services. Some cookies are essential for our websites to work; others aren’t but enable features, functionality and/or use cases that may provide you with a better product experience and/or help Fans4Creators operate and offer our products and services. If you choose to delete or block cookies, some features of our websites may not work as intended.

Essential Cookies:

These cookies and similar technologies are necessary for our websites to work properly, including authentication and logging in, ensuring the ability to securely complete transactions, preventing fraud, and maintaining the security, safety and integrity of Fans4Creators services.

Functional Cookies:

These cookies and similar technologies are necessary for non-essential features of our websites to work properly, including remembering the language in which you’ve selected to view our websites and some other types of preferences and settings.

Analytics Cookies:

These cookies and similar technologies help us learn, measure and improve how our websites are used and how they perform, including measuring and understanding user behaviour and usage patterns.

Marketing Cookies:

These cookies and similar technologies help Fans4Creators market our own services, including to existing and potential creators and members. These cookies may, for example, be used to measure the performance of such marketing campaigns and define the audience for such marketing campaigns, including marketing Fans4Creators products and services to you or audiences similar to you via personalised advertising (also referred to as online behavioural advertising or interest-based advertising) as controlled by your marketing preferences.

"Do-not-track" signals

Your browser may be configured to transmit a “Do Not Track” signal to websites that you visit. There is no industry-standard approach to what this signal means. Accordingly, Fans4Creators does not monitor or otherwise respond to these “Do Not Track” signals.

How to manage cookies

You can see and adjust your cookie preferences for your current browser for Fans4Creators or by clicking the “Edit Cookie Preferences” button at the top of this page. You may also be able to adjust your web browser’s settings to decline cookies, delete cookies or alert you when a website is attempting to place a cookie and you may be able to consult your web browser’s documentation to learn more about that.